Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Tessellation Art

                                             WALT: Crete a tessellation art by  M.C Escher
         Today in our class we made tessellation art by, repeating the same pattern over and over again                                                            and after, adding detail and colour!
      First We had to make a pattern on a piece of paper, then sticking it on the other side of the paper.
                  After making our cutout pattern, we would trace over the outline of our pattern onto a                                                                                piece of paper.
             After covering up the whole paper with our pattern, we would add colour and detail into it.
                                            After you have coloured it in, you should be finished.
              Something I could have done better was, to trace the outline of the pattern with vivid to                                                                                 make it stand out.

1 comment:

  1. hi im dylan from gis int school i like your art you are really good at art i think you should be professional
