Thursday, August 8, 2019

Camera Shots and Angles

                                      Camera Shots and Angles
            WALT: Take different camera shots from different angles.
Today our class has been learning about, how to take different camera shots on different angles. 
         Kobe and I used our chromebooks to take photos of ourselves, In our slide we have inserted the image we have taken, on our cameras then after that, writing a purpose on what the picture is about, the camera shots we have taken were, close up, wide shot, mid shot, over the shoulder, worms eye view and birds eye view
Reflection: I enjoyed taking the photos, it was funny and hope to do more in the future,
One thing I could've done better was write, a better purpose or make them longer,  and maybe to take different angles.
In panning shot we didn't have time to take it but we have a explanation.

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