Thursday, September 19, 2019

How to avoid scammers across the internet

   WALT tell the difference between fake and real emails ie fishing
Internet Awesome
Today in cyber smart we have been learning on, how to detect if a site if real or fake. To detect if a site is real or fake, read the URL and if it is changed then the site would probably be a scam asking for you information or if the site is not secure. Also check the English in the subject line if it has bead English then it would probably be fake. If you get a popup talking about a virus, on your computer or phone, they are the ones to always check on the subject line or bad spelling.
I think it was a good topic to work on and hope that we don't get scammed in the future
Have you ever come across a scammer?

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Tessellation Art

                                             WALT: Crete a tessellation art by  M.C Escher
         Today in our class we made tessellation art by, repeating the same pattern over and over again                                                            and after, adding detail and colour!
      First We had to make a pattern on a piece of paper, then sticking it on the other side of the paper.
                  After making our cutout pattern, we would trace over the outline of our pattern onto a                                                                                piece of paper.
             After covering up the whole paper with our pattern, we would add colour and detail into it.
                                            After you have coloured it in, you should be finished.
              Something I could have done better was, to trace the outline of the pattern with vivid to                                                                                 make it stand out.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Charcoal Abstract Art

In our class, we have been drawing and designing charcoal art from google images. 
The picture I have drawn Is a a Raven with black flames coming out from his wings. 
The original artist that inspired me to draw this was Stephen K,
Link to the original artist Stephen K  
First I found an artist I liked, then copied the image on google by drawing it with pencil,
After that Copying it with charcoal and smudging it.
It was quite hard doing the flames at the back of the wings but I managed to do it in the end.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

King Midas Animation

In our class we have been making animations about King Midas,and the golden touch. The Story was about King Midas being granted a wish but then goes horribly wrong when he asks for everything he touches becomes gold And so my animation is based on that story.

Camera Shots and Angles

                                      Camera Shots and Angles
            WALT: Take different camera shots from different angles.
Today our class has been learning about, how to take different camera shots on different angles. 
         Kobe and I used our chromebooks to take photos of ourselves, In our slide we have inserted the image we have taken, on our cameras then after that, writing a purpose on what the picture is about, the camera shots we have taken were, close up, wide shot, mid shot, over the shoulder, worms eye view and birds eye view
Reflection: I enjoyed taking the photos, it was funny and hope to do more in the future,
One thing I could've done better was write, a better purpose or make them longer,  and maybe to take different angles.
In panning shot we didn't have time to take it but we have a explanation.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Mountain Drawing

Mountain  Art 
In our class we have been doing Art, and our main project was drawing mountains. 
First we had to watch a video to get an example on how to draw it.. 
I drew mine by sketching out the mountains, 
first with a pencil and by adding details to it. 
After that we had to get a piece of charcoal and draw the over the outline and smudge it inwards to give it a shadow effect. 
Then I added more detail to it with some charcoal to make it realistic. 
I smudged more charcoal on the inside of the mountain to make a shadow effect on the inside as well as on the outside.  
Then I got the result of this. 
Reflection: I thought this was cool making this art and hope to do more in the future. 

Charcoal Art

In Art we have been sketching tools, then smudging the outline of our drawing with charcoal.
First we would grab a tool of our choice then trace the outline of our tool, then after that we would add in all of the details from the tool, into our drawing. Then after tracing and adding all of the details in, we would sketch around the outline of the tool with charcoal then smudging it.
After smudging it you should get a result out like this...
Reflection: I thought it was fun to work on especially when I was using the charcoal.