Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Tawhiri Writing Purpose

WALT: decide on our purpose for writing.

My purpose for writing is to entertain my audience. 

             The Piano in the Forest

Planning- A Mysterious Piano in a forest that however play’s it would get possesed
A rumor of the Piano
A new student joins
He discovers and investigates 
No one could play it
A rumor of the Piano
A rumor of the Piano
There had been A rumor passing  around, school about a Mysterious Piano in a Forest, And if anyone played it they would be possessed for the rest of their life. 

A new student had joined the school called Jake, But noone has told him about the piano in the forest.. , The day had passed and After music class, Jake had made a friend Called Kai. 
As the sun shone into their eyes, Kai had explained to Jake, about the piano in the forest and how he was the owner of the piano. After Kai, telling Jake about the rumor.. Jake agreed to see the piano in the forest. But Kai had a little secret up his sleeve...

They had entered the forest after truding out of school and zoomed off the road. The sun was shining through all the tall trees, while birds were singing and butterflies dancing around the Piano.. 
As soon as the piano was in sight, Jake had rushed over to it, avoiding all the roots connected to trees and avoiding all the branches in the way. Jake had whipped out a pair of gloves out of his pocket, so he could play the piano without hurting his hands. Kai had finally caught up to Jake,
“Why do you have gloves on?” asked Kai, “It's to protect my hands from playing the piano. Kai
didn’t understand but Jake had already laid his finger on a note, nothing, the piano didn’t play. “What?” Jake panicked, He thought he had been possessed. Kai stumbled along to Jake passing through all the branches. Kai, had  gently pushed his finger on a note, Surprisingly the piano had bursted out with, the note he played. “Well since this is my Piano, It only shares its love to me”.
      Jake had slammed his hand on the piano, he was frustrated and confused. But before Jake could ask anything Kai had already started to play a song, At first Jake couldn't recognize what he was playing, until he looked back. It was the song that his teacher was playing in class Jake couldn’t believe his eyes, After Kai had finished playing, Jake pinched himself, then pushed down on a note on the piano, but the piano still didn’t play.  
        He couldn’t wait to tell everyone at school, But Kai denied his request, “No one would believe us” Kai Sighed. 
       But Jake didn’t accept it, and had an idea…

After music class Jake had a talk with the teacher, He told him about the Piano in the forest, and how he played a perfect piece. Jake, told his teacher that Kai plays the piano every night in the forest, So His teacher had came to a decision to visit Kai in the forest after school. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tawhiri I like this story very much
    I can't believe that you wrote this because it has a lot of good words and it is like a level 4 writing so this is a pretty good story. You are a very good writer. Your story is way better than mine maybe you could go and check my story out on my blog.
